orchard acres
The wonder of fiber... that first glimpse of what can be created, the feel, the smell, the joy in your art.
The memory of what was happening in life as you made it.
Fiber has been with me in my greatest successes and joy... and in my greatest sadness. The meditative rhythm of each stitch.
Orchard Acres was created to bring back what once was animals, fiber, handywork.
Knowing that fiber ties me to the past, of all that have been created before me, remembering the woman whose hands have loved me, remembering each stitch, each wrinkle in their hands, each indent from years of making.
In looking into the past we can bring back animals that were once many, where now numbers are dwindling. Due to the smallness of our farm we can be gentle in our ways of growing and harvesting fiber, our environmental footprint is small with sustainable agriculture so we can continue to create for future generations.